West Germany is the common English name for the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG; German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, BRD), a.k.a. Bonn Republic, 1949–1990. See also East Germany and the Advanced Search (incl. East and West).
Contributed by Steve McNuggs
Contributed by Malou Messien
Photo(s) by Michael Studt on Flickr.
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by WELTKERN® Typefaces
Contributed by Judith Anna Rüther
Photo(s) by altpapiersammler on Flickr.
Photo(s) by mikeyashworth on Flickr.
Contributed by Philipp Messner
Contributed by Christian Annyas
Contributed by Manuel Medina
Contributed by Thomas Van Herck
Contributed by Garrison Martin
Photo(s) by Klaus Hiltscher on Flickr.
Photo(s) by Dan Reynolds on Flickr.
Contributed by Matthijs Sluiter