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Wolle – Ein Fan zwischen Ost und West by Alex Raack

Contributed by WELTKERN® Typefaces on Nov 15th, 2023. Artwork published in
January 2018
Wolle – Ein Fan zwischen Ost und West by Alex Raack 1
© Nolan Paparelli. License: All Rights Reserved.

Burns in use for this book titled Wolle – Ein Fan zwischen Ost und West (“Wolle – A fan between East and West”) by Alex Raack, published by Tropen Verlag. The cover was designed by Nolan Paparelli while working at Herburg Weiland with an early version of Burns, featuring a custom LL ligature for the title.

Translated from Tropen Verlag:

The biography of an ardent football fan and enemy of the state – a very special German-German story

It is 1982, Wolfgang Großmann, known as Wolle, is sitting in a cell at the Stasi headquarters in Dresden. He is an enemy of the state because he is a fan of the wrong club – a fan of Borussia Mönchengladbach.

Wolle was born in Mönchengladbach shortly before the Berlin Wall was built, but just two years later his parents moved with him to Dresden. When the inner-German border is closed, all hopes of being able to travel to the FRG again are dashed. In Dresden, “Gladbach-Wolle” falls in love with Borussia from his native city – and rebels wherever he can. As a youth he became a hooligan, football became his outlet for anger at the GDR regime. Soon everyone in Mönchengladbach knew the crazy East German, who let himself be persecuted by the Stasi out of love for the club. When his application to leave the country is finally approved in 1985, he is naturally drawn to the place of his deepest longing .. …. Wolle’s biography is the story of an ardent football fan who never tires of fighting for his freedom. A dramatic story full of craziness that shows what love for football can do.

“Wolle, we’ll never get out of here. From this shitty country.”

Wolle – Ein Fan zwischen Ost und West by Alex Raack 2
© Nolan Paparelli. License: All Rights Reserved.
Wolle – Ein Fan zwischen Ost und West by Alex Raack 3
© Nolan Paparelli. License: All Rights Reserved.


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