Contributed by HAL Typefaces
Contributed by SM Foundry
Contributed by Anna Cairns
Contributed by Dobra
Contributed by Anna Kovalenko (Kyiv Type Foundry)
Contributed by Out of the Dark
Contributed by Nouvelle Noire
Contributed by Tiquismiquis Club
Contributed by 205TF
Contributed by Céline Hurka
Contributed by Kate McDonnell
Contributed by Jolin Masson
Contributed by bemerkt
Contributed by Bloom Type
Contributed by TypeType
Contributed by Inès Davodeau
Contributed by Sigrid Schmeisser
Contributed by Lucas Descroix
Contributed by Nguyen Gobber
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by Store Norske Skriftkompani
Contributed by Adelina Shaydullina
Contributed by Nikolas Wrobel
Contributed by Jérémy Raucq
Contributed by fangly
Contributed by Hrvoje Živčić
Contributed by Formagari
Contributed by Bureau Brut
Contributed by Fanny Hamelin
Contributed by Brian Phillips
Contributed by Túlio Cerquize
Contributed by Lea Johanna Becker
Contributed by Polya Boronina
Contributed by Laura Csocsán
Contributed by Alexandre Créquer
Contributed by ML Typefaces
Contributed by Anna-Sophia Pohlmann
Contributed by WELTKERN® Typefaces
Contributed by Sefa Can Kıvılcım
Contributed by moteus
Contributed by Bryson Stohr
Contributed by Eva Silvertant
Contributed by Tiffany Wardle
Contributed by Reybach C
Contributed by Laurence Penney
Contributed by Javi Gonzalez
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Mark Butchko
Contributed by Coert De Decker
Contributed by John Ess
Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler on Flickr.
Contributed by Daniel Swan
Contributed by Anirban Mitra
Contributed by Hanyi Fonts
Contributed by NaN