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Norbeck Circus poster

Contributed by Nick Sherman on Apr 21st, 2024. Artwork published in
circa 1906
Norbeck Circus poster
Source: National Library of Norway. License: All Rights Reserved.

Poster from the collection of the National Library of Norway for an appearance of the circus led by Norwegian wrestler and strongman, Karl Norbeck, with performances that include “Bullpunching”. Someone has written 1900 as a date on the poster, but Norbeck apparently hadn’t purchased his circus until 1904 (the next year with June 23rd falling on a Saturday, as specified on the poster, would have been 1906).

Regardless of its exact date, the poster features a smorgasbord of decorative 19th-century typefaces typical of the typographic styles at the turn of the 20th century – some that were fairly common at the time and others that are much harder to find in historical use. The N in ‘Norbeck’ appears to be upside-down.

The printing credit at the bottom of the poster specifies the source as ‘‘Trondhjem, Lie & Sundts Bogtrykkeri”.

See the related listing at the National Library of Norway.

Full transcription:

Lørdag den 23de Juni Kl. 8 Aften
paa Skøitebanetomten.
Optræden af den
Norske Turner Ole Kristiansen.
Enestaaende Præstationer i Stolpyramide, Trapetz og romerske Ringe.
Mr. Oscardo.
Haandekvilibrist, enestaaende uden Conkurrance.
Hr. Westby.
Nutidens bedste Slangeimitatør.
– Non plus ultra –
Komiker Bøe.
Søskende Westby, Norsk Halling- og Springdans.
– Orginale Dragter og Dans. –
Optræden af den berømte Dumme Peter Balskansky.
Stor Suces fra Akershusfestlighederne.
Hr. Norbeck
giver Opvisning i
amerikansk Køllesving, Løftning.
Løfter Vegt fra 50 Kg. till 500.
Nyt. Bullpunching. Interessant.
Billetpriser: 1ste Plads Kr. 1.00, 2den Plads 75, staaende 50 Ore.
Billetter erholdes ved Indgangen fra 1 Time før Forestillingen begynder.
God Musik.

Karl Norbeck,

Trondhjem, Lie & Sundts Bogtrykkeri.

2 Comments on “Norbeck Circus poster”

  1. Found (back) the left-leaning face used for “Mr. Oscardo” – it’s Pionier by Genzsch & Heyse. Added.

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