RBMA Radio Berlin posters
Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Sep 11th, 2013. Artwork published in
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5 Comments on “RBMA Radio Berlin posters”
As far as I know, FF Clan is RBMA’s corporate typeface, but not Red Bull’s in general.
Red Bull’s corporate face is still Futura Condensed: energydrink-de.redbull.com
Siri is used for the activities and FF Clan for the Radio Academy.
Thank you for shedding light on this question, Ivo and Erik! I see that energydrink-de.redbull.com also uses yet another contemporary grotesque, FS Blake.
Different Red Bull projects have different identities. The Red Bull Music Academy’s identity uses FF Clan. That is why the Radio uses it too.
Siri was originally only used for Red Bull Media House editorial product redbull.com, it was used for a greater number of websites in that ecosystem later on.
Red Bull (not to be mistaken with Red Bull Media House) uses Futura and Garamond as corporate typefaces. FS Blake was used on the web to introduce a fresher look & feel.
As to your question who designed the RBMA Radio Berlin posters: David Eckes.
Sven, thank you for the information, much appreciated!