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Serpico movie poster, titles, soundtrack album cover

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Dec 9th, 2018. Artwork published in
December 1973
Serpico movie poster, titles, soundtrack album cover 1
Source: Paramount Pictures. Photo: Posteritati. License: All Rights Reserved.

“Many of his fellow officers considered him the most dangerous man alive—an honest cop.”

Serpico is a 1973 American biographical crime film starring Al Pacino. It’s based on the book by Peter Maas and was directed by Sidney Lumet.

IMP Awards credits this poster to the advertising firm Diener-Hauser (a.k.a. Diener Hauser Bates), and it was possibly designed by Paul Crifo. Ed Benguiat says in this 2000 talk (01:06:44) he created the title/logo itself, using “just a plain typeface.” This typeface appears to be Cadence as shown in Lettergraphics’ 1976 catalog, horizontally expanded. Castcraft’s Encyclopedia of Phototype Styles from 1978 shows the same face with the alias Marcher.

Ed Benguiat was the art director of Photo-Lettering, Inc., a New York-based competitor of Lettergraphics in California and Castcraft in Chicago. PLINC had a similar design in their own library, Pacella Decatur, but several of its letterforms including E L R require modifications to match the movie logo, which would be inconsistent with Benguiat’s statement. [edit: Cadence is credited to Ray Cruz in a catalog by Schaedler. PLINC had closer ties to this type studio in New York, at least they carried some of their designs, like Loose New Roman and Cucumber.].

The small type is set in Eurostile. Judging from the top of t, the tagline seems to be in a phototype version of Venus Extended (dreiviertelfett?). Digital approximations include Vonness Expanded (Font Bureau, 2007) and Venusian Bold Extended (Wooden Type Fonts, 2018).

One-line sample for Cadence from Lettergraphics: The Complete Library, Collectors Edition, 1976
Photo: Florian Hardwig. License: CC BY-NC-SA.
Still from the film trailer
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Still from the film trailer

Adaptation of the movie poster for the cover of the soundtrack album with music by Mikis Theodorakis
Source: Paramount Records. Image: LP Cover Art. License: All Rights Reserved.

Adaptation of the movie poster for the cover of the soundtrack album with music by Mikis Theodorakis

The Italian movie poster maintains the typographic choices made for the US original, but adds another (extended) style of Eurostile.
Source: BenitoMovieposter (edited). License: All Rights Reserved.

The Italian movie poster maintains the typographic choices made for the US original, but adds another (extended) style of Eurostile.

2 Comments on “Serpico movie poster, titles, soundtrack album cover”

  1. Trailer titles in HD (from the blu-ray)

  2. Spanish poster designed by Francisco Fernández Zarza A.K.A. Jano. Image via MUBI.

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