Source: to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “bradley”. License: All Rights Reserved.
Ad for the Töchter-Pensionat Luisen-Institut in Bad Kreuznach, 1906
Two illustrated print ads for boarding schools from 1906.
The one shown above is for the Luisen-Institut in Bad Kreuznach (then in the Kingdom of Prussia’s Rhine Province) – an “excellently recommended finishing school for daughters” offering “thorough scientific and domestic training in addition to solid education” with the “opportunity for exams in handicraft and language as well as higher teacher’s exams”. The annual fee of 900ℳ included access to the big garden and brine baths.
The headline is set in one of the German versions of Bradley, without ch ligature, underlined and with lowered caps. “Luisen-Institut” is in a Fette Schwabacher (with double hyphen), “Töchter-Pensionat” in a Breite Gotisch, with single hyphen and ligatures for ch and ſi. The copy is set in a generic Fraktur, with Schwabacher for emphasis. The only roman type is the fat face used for highlighting the principal’s name.
The advert shown below is for another Pensionat in Gotha (then part of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha). It plugs the “beautiful villa with big garden” and its “certified in-house instructors from Paris and England”, and promises “excellent teaching and preparation for the Prussian teacher’s exam”.
The design features several of the typefaces mentioned above, in different roles. Breite Gotisch is here used for the biggest line, accompanied by the number and “Penſionat” in Eckmann-Schrift. Note that Eckmann came with dedicated glyphs for the Roman numerals Ⅰ Ⅴ Ⅹ that were different in design from its capital letters I V X. Bradley appears for the principals’ names, with ſ (long s) and ü.
Source: to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “eckmann” and “bradley”. License: All Rights Reserved.
To my knowledge, the only digital version of Eckmann to include the Roman numerals of the metal original is Dieter Steffmann’s Rudelsberg. They are offered as 1 (Ⅰ), 5 (Ⅴ), 0 (Ⅹ) in Rudelsberg Alternate, and under the codepoints for ¼ ½ ¾ in the display cut Rudelsberg-Titel.
Bitstream’s Freeform 710 has a simplified form for the capital I which looks like the Roman numeral Ⅰ.
1 Comment on “Luisen-Institut and Gotha III ads (1906)”
To my knowledge, the only digital version of Eckmann to include the Roman numerals of the metal original is Dieter Steffmann’s Rudelsberg. They are offered as 1 (Ⅰ), 5 (Ⅴ), 0 (Ⅹ) in Rudelsberg Alternate, and under the codepoints for ¼ ½ ¾ in the display cut Rudelsberg-Titel.
Bitstream’s Freeform 710 has a simplified form for the capital I which looks like the Roman numeral Ⅰ.