Sam Wilson allies himself with Bucky Barnes to embark on a series of international adventures, the duo drawn together by their ties to Steve Rogers, to thwart the activities of the Flag-Smashers, an anti-patriotism terrorist cell.
A weathered FB Agency is used for the logo of the series. Stratum 1 is used in two weights throughout the series on introductory title cards, location cards, and credits.
8 Comments on “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”
*squints* Credits appear to be FF DIN Round or similar.
Mmh. In FF DIN, the S is more open. Ciutadella comes close, too, but there, the spine of S is off. Neither Bio Sans nor Simplon Norm …
You’re totally right. Ciutadella is REAL close but, yeah, that S.
One peculiar feature seen in other samples from the end credits is the very narrow above-the-baseline |J|.
I think it’s D-DIN.
Formidable sleuthing, Riccardo! That looks like a cigar. Added.
This is VERY satisfying.
Stratum also got heavy use in Avengers and Winter Soldier, correct?