Charles Bobo Shaw & Lester Bowie – Bugle Boy Bop album art
Contributed by Robert Beatty on May 28th, 2019. Artwork published in
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3 Comments on “Charles Bobo Shaw & Lester Bowie – Bugle Boy Bop album art”
I’m not sold on the Cirkulus ID. Michael Neugebauer’s face is similar, but I don’t see how it could have served as a basis here. “Bugle Boy Bop” is in a very naïve stick’n’ball style that could easily have been made from scratch. However, something about the u/y rings a distant bell – it might be an ephemeral typeface. Will keep an eye out for it!
Oh yeah, it’s definitely not Cirkulus, should have looked closer at that one. The Inverserif was the more interesting piece here for me anyhow as it’s much too tech and hard edged for this album and you don’t see it used on records that often.
Bobo rest in peace. Nice to see BAG represented here.