An Old English or gotisch with diagonal hatching. “First shown
by ATF as Tiffany Text in 1901, although this may be
the same typeface shown by Bruce Type Foundry as Invitation
Text a short time earlier, just before that foundry merged
with ATF. Hansen copied it as Card Text.” [McGrew 1993] Renamed to Typo
Text before 1912.
The same design or similar ones were also cast by a number of
foundries in Germany and beyond. The list includes
Asta (AG für
Schriftgießerei u. M./Numrich), Colonia
Elegant (Stempel), Gotisch
schraffiert (Genzsch
& Heyse/Berthold/Ludwig &
Mayer/Weisert), Hero-Gotisch (John), Ilse
(Roos &
Junge, Libelle
(Gronau), Stella
(Bauer). [Wetzig 1926–40] [Reichardt More…
An Old English or gotisch with diagonal hatching. “First shown by ATF as Tiffany Text in 1901, although this may be the same typeface shown by Bruce Type Foundry as Invitation Text a short time earlier, just before that foundry merged with ATF. Hansen copied it as Card Text.” [McGrew 1993] Renamed to Typo Text before 1912.
The same design or similar ones were also cast by a number of foundries in Germany and beyond. The list includes Asta (AG für Schriftgießerei u. M./Numrich), Colonia (Fondografica), Elegant (Stempel), Gotisch schraffiert (Genzsch & Heyse/Berthold/Ludwig & Mayer/Weisert), Hero-Gotisch (John), Ilse (Roos & Junge, Libelle (Gronau), Stella (Bauer). [Wetzig 1926–40] [Reichardt 2011]
Gerhard Helzel has a digitization named Stella, presented as Schraffierte Gotisch “Stella” with aliases Astra and Elegant. Based on the 20pt size.