Contributed by Hrvoje Živčić
Contributed by Studio Asensò
Contributed by Mario Julian Gutierrez
Contributed by Ogaf studio
Contributed by Smuss Studio
Contributed by Giulia Boggio
Contributed by Tye Meesen
Contributed by Adrien Menard
Contributed by Michele Galluzzo
Contributed by Nigel Ewan
Contributed by Paul Eslage
Contributed by Out of the Dark
Contributed by Brian Dove
Contributed by 205TF
Contributed by Eliott Grunewald
Contributed by BVH Type
Contributed by ML Typefaces
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by DDOTT Typefoundry
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Nguyen Gobber
Contributed by Robin De Haro
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Sirene Studio
Contributed by VJ-Type
Contributed by Daniel McQueen (TDF)
Contributed by Mauricio Garza
Contributed by Emtype Foundry
Contributed by Ethan Nakache
Contributed by Damian Higgins
Contributed by Parachute
Contributed by XYZ Type
Contributed by Sean O'Connor
Contributed by Altiplano Typefaces
Contributed by tobias schererbauer
Contributed by Fakepaper
Contributed by Heavyweight
Contributed by Ale Paul
Contributed by Fonts In Use Staff
Contributed by Dario Pistillo
Contributed by Mr. Henry
Contributed by Jamie Otelsberg (OH no Type Co.)
Contributed by Chloë Miller
Contributed by Stepan Petrov
Contributed by Jefferson PAGANEL
Contributed by Max Phillips
Contributed by Alexandra Yakupova
Contributed by Martin LAVIELLE