Werbe-Gestaltung Kurt Schwitters Photo(s) by Frank Grießhammer. Imported from Flickr on Sep 30, 2014. Artwork published in circa 1930. Source: www.flickr.com Uploaded to Flickr by Frank Grießhammer and tagged with “futura”. License: CC BY-NC-SA. Self-promotional booklet by Kurt Schwitters Typefaces Formats Advertising (1957) Booklets/Pamphlets (2186) Topics Services (1404) Graphic Design (2789) Designers/Agencies Kurt Schwitters (2) Tagged withbooklets (466)Modernist (89)underlined (692)emphasis (11)self promotion (285)1930s (178)one typeface family (1574)German (language) (2188)Weimar Republic (91)yellow and black (438)borders and rules (1005)Avant Garde (movement) (17)justified text (914) Artwork location Germany (3542) Hannover (29) In Sets GER, AUT, SUI (1900-1989) (Robert) (82) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Futura in use Habla de Mí en Presente – “Aire fresc” single cover and promotion2022Ignasi Àvila PadróContributed by Ignasi Àvila Padró Oath Craft Pizza2016Javier FuentesBreakawayContributed by Javier Fuentes Barnada Шрифт (The Type)2013MasterskayaAstroshokDima BarbanelContributed by Stephen Coles Sponsor More in Graphic Design Johanna Osterrieter website2020Johanna OsterrieterContributed by Alain Papazian Écriture, estampe, typographie, photographie, peinture.2023Aurélien VretContributed by Aurélien Vret PTM2021Studio WorkContributed by STUDIO WORK Loftgarten website2021Niccolò MirandaContributed by Kyle Kosaki More in Advertising The Coral – Butterfly House album art and singles2010Mike SnowdonContributed by Antoine Pazat “Design for Die Casting” brochure1945Ladislav SutnarContributed by Florence Fu By the Creek festival2022ON A DAILY BASIS (ODB)Contributed by Pizza Typefaces Tüüfelskreisc. 2019Scarton StingelinContributed by Kontour More Fonts In Use Entorse magazine, No. 22019HelmoContributed by Emilie Rigaud Staff Pick Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli – Ciaccona / Variazioni Su Un Tema di Paganini, Op. 35 album art1954Mario ScheichenbauerContributed by Herb Lubalin Study Center Staff Pick Storehouse app and website2014Contributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick The Kruder & Dorfmeister Session, Reitschule Bern2009Büro DestructContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick