Rico is a Brazilian investment platform and stock broker owned by São Paulo-based investment management company XP Inc. Established in 2011, Rico got acquired by XP in 2016 and got rebranded by Tátil Design in 2021.
For the new look, Tátil used the Brazilian typeface Pacaembu from Naipe Foundry. Tátil contacted Naipe for a custom adjustments of Rico. With its alternate lowercase single-storey a set as the default, it is always easy to use Pacaembu correctly.
Tátil states in their case study that “Rico is the brand responsible for recruiting people into the investment world; that‘s why we’ve developed a questioning identity, which simplifies, demystifies, generates empathy while never failing to build the credibility that the category requires.” In their images they highlight how Pacaembu was chosen because of its “large tittles, exagerated geometry, and round lower case a”.
Creative director: Renan Benvenuti
Designers: Camila Dias, Julia Custodio
Icons: Issao Nakabachi
Illustrations: Camila Dias, Estúdio Passeio
Content: Gustavo Feyer, Lourenço Araújo
Account executives: Karla Ribeiro, Vanessa Clark
Source: www.behance.netTátil Design. License: All Rights Reserved.