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“Deutsche Nordseebäder” ads in Reclams Universum (1909)

Photo(s) by altpapiersammler. Imported from Flickr on Aug 9, 2020. Artwork published in .
“Deutsche Nordseebäder” ads in Reclams Universum (1909) 1
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “bradley”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Page with classified ads for German North Sea resorts and the respective ferry connections, from the Reise- und Bäder-Anzeiger (“Travel and spa gazette”) in Reclams Universum, a weekly magazine printed and published by Philipp Reclam jun. in Leipzig, 1909.

While the title (“Deutsche Nordseebäder”) shows some clunky lettering, the ads themselves are set in a range of jobbing typefaces that were in fashion at the time. The credit line at the very bottom is the only occurence of a fraktur. The single display face that can be classified as blackletter is Bradley, see “Wyk Insel Föhr”. The actual font in use is probably Altgotisch or one of the numerous other German copies of Bradley.

“Wangerooge” and “Westerland-Sylt” both combine Viktoria (AKA Phönix, Medea) with an enlarged and lowered initial W from Siegfried. Another interesting face is the one used for “Wittdün”: It appears to be the solid version of Alexandra, which in turn appears to be Berthold’s bichromatic copy of Washington (Central). The use of all caps for emphasis is limited to “Borkum” (Romana) and “Juist” (Fette Bauersche Antiqua or similar).

Head of the Reise- und Bäder-Anzeiger with lettering modeled after , including a fancy highlight version. The smaller text is set in -Circular, an italic with swash caps that was part of Berthold’s recutting of .
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “sorbonne” and “eckmann”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Head of the Reise- und Bäder-Anzeiger with lettering modeled after Eckmann, including a fancy highlight version. The smaller text is set in Sorbonne-Circular, an italic with swash caps that was part of Berthold’s recutting of Cheltenham.





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