Television Signal Analysis
Contributed by Grant Hutchinson on Nov 21st, 2018. Artwork published in
May 1955
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2 Comments on “Television Signal Analysis”
Thank you for your contribution, Grant!
I checked Mac McGrew’s American Metal Typefaces Of The Twentieth Century—a fabulous resource that never ceases to amaze me—and learned that Phenix is a spin-off of News Gothic Extra Condensed, “with several characters redesigned in the ‘round’ fashion of the time.” And indeed the g and y appear to be taken from News Gothic Extra Condensed. You could just as well say that this is News Gothic XC with the E, A and N taken from Phenix. In today’s OpenType format, Phenix would probably be packaged as a stylistic “Art Deco” set of News Gothic.
Thanks for the additional background, Florian. I was familiar with News Gothic Condensed, but had no idea it was so similar to Phenix.