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“Trambanen vrijhouden” poster

Photo(s) by Tim Boric. Imported from Flickr on Jun 3, 2023. Artwork published in .
“Trambanen vrijhouden” poster 1
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Tim Boric and tagged with “univers”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Keep tramways [American English: streetcar tracks] clear

This poster from 1967 by Amsterdam’s traffic police was designed by advertising agency Hou Maet, featuring an anthromorphic tram and Adrian Frutiger’s Univers in all-lowercase letters. Printed by Stadsdrukkerij Amsterdam.

Via Tim Boric’s Flickr photostream. Peter Eijkman recalls that these were also used as rear window decals. Henk Gralman has a photo from 1967 showing such an application. On the design with the red hands, he comments:

Some naughty and creative minds interpreted this as somebody being run over by a tram, which is somewhat the message, in a roundabout way. These notices could be seen on trams in Amsterdam and Rotterdam and some Belgium tram cities.

A sign as seen in the streets of Amsterdam, June 3rd, 1967
Source: Photo: Jack de Nijs, Nationaal Archief / Anefo. License: Public Domain.

A sign as seen in the streets of Amsterdam, June 3rd, 1967

Police chief Van der Molen in front of a new information sign at the approach road Sloterweg in Amsterdam, August 27th, 1965. In this version, the message doesn’t use any type, but is lettering, and in all caps, featuring a compact IJ digraph.
Source: Photo: Jack de Nijs, Nationaal Archief / Anefo. License: Public Domain.

Police chief Van der Molen in front of a new information sign at the approach road Sloterweg in Amsterdam, August 27th, 1965. In this version, the message doesn’t use any type, but is lettering, and in all caps, featuring a compact IJ digraph.


  • Univers




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