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Do It For Your ❤️ button

Contributed by Nick Sherman on Feb 14th, 2023.
Do It For Your ❤️ button
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

2¼-inch pinback button for the Chicago Heart Association, set in Louis Minott’s Davida typeface (with Helvetica for supporting text). Found via the Busy Beaver Button Museum in Chicago.

This post celebrates Valentine’s Day today as well as OH no Type Co.’s new Casserole type family – a “resuscitation” and expansion on the original ideas from Davida that was just released yesterday.


  • Davida
  • Helvetica




Artwork location

3 Comments on “Do It For Your ❤️ button”

  1. There’s a more complete digitization of Davida by Peter Wiegel called Sylvar, which can be downloaded here:

  2. @Bryson: I also made my own digitization of Davida several years ago, with all the original ornaments and alternates. I spaced it more tightly than most of the legacy digital versions from Linotype etc – those versions always felt a bit flat to me, like they were missing some of the original ’60s flavor. Mine was made more as an exercise than anything though so I don’t have any public options for licensing.

  3. Sylvar is not directly based on Davida, but – as the name hints at – on a low-res scan of Mecanorma’s copy, Silva. It hence covers the alternates included in that dry-transfer version (for A E F &), but not the alternate numerals and dingbats from VGC’s original release.

    What’s worse, it has pretty poor outlines, see for example the alternate ampersand below. Kerning is erratic, too, as the name sample exemplifies: the gap between V and A is closed, the one between L and V isn’t. I don’t see how this digitization adds anything useful.

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