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Social Studies by Fran Lebowitz (Random House, first edition)

Contributed by Harrison on Oct 8th, 2020. Artwork published in .
Social Studies by Fran Lebowitz (Random House, first edition) 1
Photo: Harrison. License: All Rights Reserved.

Social Studies is a collection of humorous essays by the American author and public speaker Fran Lebowitz. This book followed her best-selling 1978 debut Metropolitan Life and is one of only three works published to-date by Lebowitz, whose decades-long writer’s block has been well-publicized.

The jacket design is by Robert Aulicino and features Cheltenham in a Condensed Bold weight with an added custom shadow effect. The smaller text is set in Helvetica.

The interior and inside flaps also heavily use Bookman Italic, making especially prominent use of its alternate elongated italic S.

Social Studies by Fran Lebowitz (Random House, first edition) 2
Photo: Harrison. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Cheltenham
  • Helvetica
  • Bookman




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