Source: to Flickr by Alan Mays and tagged with “antiqueextended”. License: All Rights Reserved.
A late nineteenth-century business card for Henry Swartz’s dry goods store in York, Pennsylvania. Printed in two colors, the card shows a smorgasbord of typefaces, as it was common in the Victorian era. “Henry Swartz” is set in Antique Extended (light), a precursor of Hellenic Wide. “Dry Goods” pairs decorated initials from Ornamented No. 13and a hairline Tuscan with swelling at the mid-height spurs that is known as Ornamented No. 35.
In further roles: a condensed gothic (cf. Two-Line Pica Gothic Extra Cond, No. 44) with open and shaded floral initials (for “Notions, Queensware”), a Fat Face and a wide sans for the address, several romans, and Tuscan caps with split shade (Brevier Ornamented, No. 23?).
Henry Swartz,
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Queensware, &c., &c., &c.
No. 229 South George Street, York, Pa.
Experience in the business and strict attention enables him to render general satisfaction.
Country produce bought and sold.
Gazette, Pr.
1 Comment on “Henry Swartz, Dealer in Dry Goods business card”
The open and shaded floral initials used for “Notions, Queensware” are from an unnamed ornamented face shown by MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan.