TIME magazine, Mar 26, 2007
Contributed by Font Bureau on Jan 21st, 2016. Artwork published in
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4 Comments on “TIME magazine, Mar 26, 2007”
OK, you told us what TIME used in articles til 2015. What do they use NOW? I searched “Time Magazine font” (and several variations) but all responses are about the cover title fonts or “New Times Roman”. Your site was 2 pages in and is only partly helpful. Thanks…
I have a question, and it’s in the vein of Jopower’s question: What typeface does TIME use for their text articles now? If anyone knows please reach out.
The online version uses Georgia and Lora. If you’re asking about the print edition, we’d need to see a sample.
Unless something has changed recently, the print edition of TIME uses a typeface by Kent Lew called Haffner for body text that has not been made available for public licensing yet. As I’ve said previously, I think it is one of the most underappreciated typefaces of the 2010s.