Moonshine is a collaborative print project by graphic designers Shiva Nallaperumal and Henry Becker. It is a series of prints where the artists use visual elements (typography, cartography, emblems et al.) from books and documents from the 19th and the early 20th century that have now lost relevance to the original contexts in which they were created in. These previously unrelated elements are given new contexts when collaged together, with the poster format and the overall style tying them together into a series.
Typography was an integral element in bridging the conteporary approach with late 19th century visual cues of the project. We chose Brevier Viennese as the primary display face for its relevance to the time period we are concerned with.
For primary body text we requested David Jonathan Ross to let us use his unreleased typeface Fern. We used the RE (Reading Edge™, a series of typefaces by Font Bureau optimized for reading on small sizes in low resolution environments) version of Fern for both web and print applications.
The typeface previously known as Fern RE was released to members of DJR’s Font Of The Month Club in October 2018 as Fern Micro, in Regular and Italic styles.
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The typeface previously known as Fern RE was released to members of DJR’s Font Of The Month Club in October 2018 as Fern Micro, in Regular and Italic styles.