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Highlights from “Tiefland” album art

Contributed by Bryson Stohr on Jan 12th, 2025. Artwork published in
circa 1950
Highlights from “Tief‌land” album art
Source: Internet Archive. License: All Rights Reserved.

Highlights from “Tiefland” is an undated* vinyl record from Eterna’s Specialty Series, showcasing various acts of the opera and the prologue.

The majority of the fonts used here are Ludlow originals from Robert Hunter Middleton. The title of the opera is Tempo, seen here in its heavy, bold, and bold italic styles. “Highlights” and “Eterna” are set in Umbra. The script seen below the latter word is Mandate. The open roman is all-caps Cameo, used for “From” and “Long Playing Record 456”. Finally, there are two similar slab serifs: Karnak (which is distinguished by several details, including the Tempo-esque G), and what looks like Cairo. The latter is basically a clone of Memphis distinguished by a few details, especially the Stymie-inspired Q in all styles.

*) It’s mentioned in 1951.


  • Umbra (Ludlow)
  • Cameo
  • Tempo
  • Karnak
  • Mandate
  • Cairo (Intertype)




Artwork location

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