Blood Incantation – Absolute Elsewhere album cover, tour poster, promotional material
Contributed by Antoine Pazat on Jan 18th, 2025. Artwork published in
October 2024
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4 Comments on “Blood Incantation – Absolute Elsewhere album cover, tour poster, promotional material”
Thank you, Antoine!
The Windsweep alphabet by Rodney Matthews is reproduced in his Voyages extrêmes monograph from 1990, with a 1984 design date, showing a set of capitals and numerals plus basic punctuation. I don’t know if it was ever produced and released as a font before Rick Mueller digitized it as Windswept MF.
Hi there, great site. This font was used with Mr. Matthews’ consent and was scanned directly from the aforementioned book, not using the digitized Windswept MF. Each title in the documentary as well as any promotional materials was individually assembled from the original scans.
Paul, great to hear from you! Thanks for the clarification. I added a note to the article. Kudos for reaching out to Rodney Matthews.
Hello Paul,
Thank you very much for the explanation (and this incredible album that I’ve listened to a lot in the past few months)
And awesome choice and work with the font it looks wonderful! (Especially the documentary title cards with “liquid light show” type backdrops)