Shirley Neitzel & Nancy Winslow Parker rebus picture books

The Jacket I Wear in the Snow (1989)
From Something About the Author, Vol. 134:
Neitzel is best known for her series of “rebus and rhyme” books, illustrated by Nancy Winslow Parker. Together the two have produced a number of picture books that combine cheerful rhymes about common situations, such as getting dressed to go out into the cold and packing for an overnight stay at Grandma’s, with rebus illustrations, so that pre-readers can begin to practice word recognition and enjoy their success at “reading” pictures.
Of the nine rebus books Neitzel (1941–2023) and Parker (1930–2015) created, the first eight follow a similar typographic pattern: Windsor is used on the cover and title pages for the book title and the names of the author and illustrator, but then all other text (with the exception of some type incorporated into illustrations) is in Seagull.

I’m Taking a Trip on My Train (1999)

The Bag I’m Taking to Grandma’s (1995)

I’m Not Feeling Well Today (2001)

Our Class Took a Trip to the Zoo (2002)

We’re Making Breakfast for Mother (1997)

The inner flaps of The Dress I’ll Wear to the Party (1992)

The House I’ll Build for the Wrens (1997)
- Books (5918)
- Literature (2753)
- Kids (715)
- unknown (3743)
Tagged with
- picture books (15)
- children’s books (192)
- rebus (12)
- Shirley Neitzel (1)
- Greenwillow Books (4)
- Nancy Winslow Parker (1)
- colophons/imprints (148)
- inner flaps (98)
- book interiors (3213)
- book series (465)
- book covers (5281)
- colored initials (30)
- snowmen (7)
- trains (31)
- cats (87)
- dogs (93)
Artwork location
- United States (9103)
- New York City (2627)