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Sügisball (Autumn Ball) movie poster

Contributed by Steve McNuggs on Oct 27th, 2024. Artwork published in .
Sügisball (Autumn Ball) movie poster
Source: Notre Cinéma. License: All Rights Reserved.

From Wikipedia:

Autumn Ball (Estonian: Sügisball) is a 2007 Estonian drama film directed by Veiko Õunpuu, adapted from Mati Unt’s 1979 novel of the same name. The film depicts six desolate people of different yet similar fates in characteristically Soviet pre-fabricated housing units (khrushchyovka). It premiered at the 64th Venice International Film Festival, where it won the Horizon Award.

On the movie poster, the original title is shown in spaced stencil caps from Flak. The English title as well as the description are set in Rotis SemiSerif and Rotis SansSerif Italic. Praise from the New York Times is in Regular and Bold Condensed styles from Rockwell, and the winner mentions in Helvetica.


  • Flak
  • Rotis SemiSerif
  • Rotis SansSerif
  • Rockwell
  • Helvetica




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