An independent archive of typography.

HEY performance poster

Contributed by Haocheng Zhang on Jul 10th, 2024. Artwork published in
June 2024
HEY performance poster 1
Source: Haocheng Zhang. License: All Rights Reserved.

I designed this innovative typography inspired by our performance HEY at the Melbourne Fringe Festival last year. It explores the concepts of ‘Becoming Water’ and ‘Embodying River’, capturing the fluidity and dynamic nature of movement within the typography itself. Greetings to the loss of cells and memories in my body, leaves in fall, and the moon yesterday.

The HEY Movement Performance lettering work transcends traditional typography, using visual rhythm and emotional impact to convey complex ideas and evoke reflection on the transient.

See more process images and footage from the performance at

HEY performance poster 2
Source: Haocheng Zhang. License: All Rights Reserved.
HEY performance poster 3
Source: Haocheng Zhang. License: All Rights Reserved.
HEY performance poster 4
Source: Haocheng Zhang. License: All Rights Reserved.
HEY performance poster 5
Source: Haocheng Zhang. License: All Rights Reserved.
HEY performance poster 6
Source: Haocheng Zhang. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Helvetica




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