An independent archive of typography.

Lenali poster

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Mar 11th, 2024. Artwork published in
circa 1978
Lenali poster
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

From U&lc magazine, volume 6, number 1, March 1979:

Tony DiSpigna fits right into the mold of Herb Lubalin Associates. As you can see, his is a dedication to fine typography more as a decorative medium than an illustrative one. […] The Lenali poster was designed for Tony’s cousin in Naples, Italy, who owns a beauty boutique. It effectively combines ITC Bernase with ITC Serif Gothic. Note particularly the excellent spacing, kerning and use of ligatures in the ITC Serif Gothic.

Upper and Lower Case, or U&lc, was “the international journal of typographics published by International Typeface Corporation”. The poster was reproduced as part of a feature inviting designers to submit their best typographic works done using ITC typefaces. To kick off this series, the editorial team “asked some of the designers associated with ITC to put their best ITC faces forward.

Corso Umberto I was the name of the main shopping street in Di Spigna’s hometown of Forio d’Ischia. Today it’s called Corso Francesco Regine.

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