Senzatomica is an Italian campaign against nuclear weapons and in favor of global disarmament. It is also the name of a traveling exhibition aimed at raising awareness for the topic among the general public. Until 2022, it toured eighty cities and counted more than 365,000 spectators. Senzatomica is promoted by the Italian branch of the Buddhist Soka Gakkai organization and cooperates with ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.
The campaign’s visual identity was conceived by Pitis e Associati, a studio that operates from Paris and Milan. Responsible for the development of the website was Ilaria Roglieri, equally from Milan. The logotype is a calligraphic piece by Luca Barcellona who happens to live in Milan as well.
Targeting a predominantly juvenile audience, the design sports two main acts: flashy colors and bold typography. The bold face in the headlines is Media Sans by Jean-Baptiste Levée, available from Production Type. Media Sans was designed with an extremely high x-height which gives it an amazing impact in display uses, even with lowercase typesetting.
It is a joy to see how well the designers play with all the possibilities the typeface offers: mixing different widths and weights within the words, they achieve an activating appeal already in the first block of text. Headlines come in lowercase characters or capitals, and also in all-caps italics. Further down the main page of the website you will find animated type as much as a wheel of fortune.
For reading texts and navigation the designers picked GT Flexa (including its monospaced variant) by Grilli Type and Editorial New by Pangram Pangram.
- Web (5070)
- Branding/Identity (7524)
- Posters/Flyers (5166)
- Activism (1001)
Tagged with
- campaigns (319)
- nuclear war (14)
- weapons (12)
- Italian (language) (523)
- identities (1955)
- websites (3035)
- menus (UI) (445)
- stripes (249)
- colorful/multicolored (1071)
- question mark (?) (97)
- all caps (6653)
- all caps italics (478)
- multiple widths (503)
- multiple weights (384)
- alternating glyph styles (193)
- type width gradient (12)
- tickers (73)
- animation (324)
- logos (4417)
- lettering (600)
- type on type (455)
- typeface combinations (3482)
- monospaced (1001)
- buttons (UI) (144)
- web footers (68)
- numerals (959)
- countdowns (9)
- social media (884)
- stacked and justified (602)
- booklets (459)
- banners (295)
- presentations (27)
- type series: proportional+mono (236)