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Sid Simons & The Darlings stage graphics

Contributed by Simone Westerlund on Sep 4th, 2023. Artwork published in
August 2023
Sid Simons & The Darlings stage graphics 1
Photo: Simone Westerlund. License: All Rights Reserved.

Capturing the 1970s spirit, this typeface recently took center stage at an indie rock spectacle featuring the mesmerizing Sid Simons & The Darlings live at at the Bowery Ballroom. Designed for an LED screen, ITC Magnifico (1999) perfectly echoes the era’s nostalgia, aligning with the band’s retro sound. The graphic was also reminiscent of the iconic Rolling Stone logo. The combination of this visually captivating graphic and the audibly evocative sound of Sid Simons weaved together perfectly.

Sid Simons & The Darlings stage graphics 2
Photo: Simone Westerlund. License: All Rights Reserved.
Sid Simons & The Darlings stage graphics 3
Photo: Simone Westerlund. License: All Rights Reserved.
Sid Simons & The Darlings stage graphics 4
Photo: Simone Westerlund. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • ITC Magnifico




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3 Comments on “Sid Simons & The Darlings stage graphics”

  1. 1. See images 1, 3, and 4 and note the “MONS”, “DA”, “RL” and “NG”. Whoever banged out the on-screen graphic couldn’t even be bothered to clean up the overlaps? Rock and roll!

    2. I’d suggest adding Bank Note and MFC Westport Monogram to ITC Magnifico’s page.

  2. These are good additions – thanks, added!

    ITC Magnifico harks back to italic Fat Faces as they emerged in England in the 19th century. See for example the 8 Line Pica, Italic, Shaded as shown by William Thorowgood of the Fann Street foundry in London in his 1821 specimen:

    Great Western, drawn by Kara Gordon based on Paul Barnes’s Brunel for Commercial Type, is another digital interpretation of such a shaded Modern. It comes in roman and italic styles and includes swash alternates as seen for A M N in the historical sample above, but has no lowercase glyphs.

  3. Florian, you are the man!

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