An independent archive of typography.

Repair Revolution! poster

Contributed by Dafi Kühne on Jun 6th, 2023. Artwork published in
March 2023
Repair Revolution! poster
Photo: Dafi Kühne. License: All Rights Reserved.

Poster for the exhibition Repair Revolution!, held from March 17 to October 15, 2023 at Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. Texts set in hand-cut Volta and Futura Condensed [edit: Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed, see comments].

Hand-printed in eleven print runs from hand-cut linoleum and a small metal type tag line. And btw, yes, the edition was 850 posters. F#%k me! What a pleasure seeing these posters in the city of Zürich.


  • Volta
  • Franklin Gothic




Artwork location

3 Comments on “Repair Revolution! poster”

  1. I think this type of “Revolution!” is Frankin Gothic Extra Condensed; albeit not showing up any soon for Futura Condensed in that poster.

  2. Of course it is, thanks, Jay! This was either a slip, or maybe Futura is used for the credits – they are too small for me to tell.

  3. Oh yes, that’s absolutely correct. Thanks Jay.
    The credit line in the bottom left corner of the poster is hand-set Haas Clarendon in 8 P.

    That’s the closest I had to Volta. Haha.

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