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Reflectors Hub poster

Contributed by Sophia Krayc on Apr 1st, 2023. Artwork published in
February 2023
Reflectors Hub poster
Photo: Sophia Krayc. License: All Rights Reserved.

This poster was designed for the Class for Performative Arts on the occasion of the yearly Rundgang exhibition at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig.

It functions as a timetable, showing the performances that were happening during these days. Here is how the performance class described their program called Reflectors Hub:

The class for performative arts of Prof. Isabel Lewis and Lissy Willberg invites you to linger, rest, and play, in and around the idea of the fountain to explore principles of publicness, community, and accessibility. How can the power structures and colonial inscriptions inherent in this form be questioned, rethought, and reflected upon artistically?

Reflectors Hub, like the fountain, is a place of encounter and communication between different beings. In live music sessions, performances, screenings, installations and guided body practices the fountain is evoked, tapped into, and reflected upon.

A collective movement piece moves fluidly and playfully through HGB. Bodies rise and fall together, ripple around in gentle waves and liquefy in constant motion. From time to time there is stillness to rest and gather strength to shoot up again. Moments of exchange are found. Bodies become a vibrating network in which each body is always aware of co-creation and co-existence. Sometimes our paths may cross and we merge into one big drop, and while we merge, we already separate again and perhaps become a fountain, a Reflectors Hub, an endless bubbling spring of variations.

These ideas also served as inspiration for the design. DaVinci stands for the liquidity, the movement, the playfulness. The background is extracted from a picture that shows the movement of a water surface, taken by Alexandra Möllner. It is combined with a technical drawing of a fountain. The two pictures merge together into one background that interacts with the typography on it.

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