Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen (Signet) Photo(s) by Make It Old. Imported from Flickr on Dec 17, 2023. Artwork published in 1964. Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Make It Old and tagged with “no500”. License: CC BY-NC-SA. Paperback edition of Henrik Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, Signet Classics CP215, 1964. The cover art is by Seymour Chwast, featuring (a phototype version of) Page’s No. 500. “A Signet Classic” uses Caslon Extra Condensed. Typefaces Formats Books (5916) Topics Literature (2753) Designers/Agencies Seymour Chwast (6) Tagged withHenrik Ibsen (5)Signet Classics (14)book covers (5279)paperbacks/softcovers (1713)illustration (1408)Peer Gynt (2)orange and green (61) Artwork location United States (9096) New York City (2626) In Sets Colossal Combinations (Jay Mellor) (2118) PHANTA (Leonardo de la Fuente) (285) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Page No. 500 in use St. George Spiritsc. 2012Juli Shore DesignSteven NobleContributed by Florian Hardwig Home Talent broadside1907Pluck PrintPhoto(s) by Alan Mays on Flickr. Alphabet of Birds2017Kent HendersonDepression PressContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick Sponsor More in Literature L’Esercito Italiano by F.T. Marinetti1942unknownContributed by Bryson Stohr Introducing Shirley Braverman by Hilma Wolitzer, Dell1978unknownPhoto(s) by Make It Old on Flickr. The Silver Bone by Andrey Kurkov2024Gregg KulickContributed by Chris Purcell Petronius: The Satyricon (Mentor Books MD 283)1960unknownPhoto(s) by Steve on Flickr. More in Books A Spell of Winter by Helen Dunmore (Penguin, 2019)2019Holly OvendenJohn HamiltonContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick Hardtack by Rahim Fortune2024Loose JointsLewis ChaplinSarah Chaplin EspenonContributed by Eliott Grunewald Staff Pick Pilgrim Soul by Daniel Mulhall2023Jack SmythContributed by Max Phillips Making Space by Matrix (Pluto Press)1985Kate HepburnContributed by D Jones More Fonts In Use Sorry Nonna2024WeekdaysContributed by Eliott Grunewald Staff Pick Urbanising the Alps by Fiona Pia2019Axel JaccardSven SchrapeCCHEContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick Spring2013Ori MaceContributed by Letters from Sweden Staff Pick MassArt Art Museum identity2019MothTammy DaytonHEX ProjectsContributed by Ciarán Staff Pick