Every Night Josephine! by Jacqueline Susann (Bantam) Photo(s) by Steve. Imported from Flickr on Nov 26, 2022. Artwork published in 1970. Source: www.flickr.com Uploaded to Flickr by Steve and tagged with “montage”. License: All Rights Reserved. After paperback publisher Bantam had used Montage for their edition of the phenomenal bestseller Valley of the Dolls from 1967, they stuck with Ed Benguiat’s heavy didone for subsequent novels by Jacqueline Susann as well. Shown here is Every Night Josephine!, Bantam Books N5348, 1970. The cover artist is unknown. Typefaces Formats Books (5929) Topics Literature (2755) Designers/Agencies unknown (3748) Tagged withJacqueline Susann (3)Bantam Books (59)book covers (5292)paperbacks/softcovers (1720)exclamation mark (!) (315)tight linespacing (320)tight letterspacing (810)one typeface (1685)borders and rules (1005)dogs (93) Artwork location United States (9109) New York City (2629) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Benguiat Montage in use Aretha Franklin – Aretha Now album art1968Loring EutemeyContributed by Stephen Coles Play It as It Lays by Joan Didion (Bantam)1971unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Dolores by Jacqueline Susann (Bantam)1977Robert AbbettunknownPhoto(s) by Steve on Flickr. Sponsor More in Literature Die Leinwand beschreiben2023Studio Marlon IlgContributed by HAL Typefaces The Holy Bible: New International Version, Zondervan edition, 19961996unknownContributed by Robert Libri Nuovi nameplate (1971)1971Nicola RussoContributed by Florian Hardwig The Magus by John Fowles (Dell, 1973)1973Tom AdamsPhoto(s) by Steve on Flickr. More in Books Run, Rose, Run by Dolly Parton and James Pattersonc. 2021Typography StudioDuncan BlachfordContributed by Typography Studio Staff Pick Periódico-Periódico, Edição 01, “Cuidado”c. 2024Dandara HahnSatélite BooksContributed by Dandara Hahn Pànic Editors book series2019Eduard VilaContributed by Eduard Vila The Parcel by Anosh Irani2017Laura ThomasAllison ColpoysContributed by Chris Purcell More Fonts In Use Macao Design Week 20202020Untitled MacaoContributed by VJ-Type Staff Pick Kazakh New Wave by Gulnara Abikeeva2022Kirill GluschenkoContributed by Kirill Gluschenko Staff Pick Antwerp Poster Festival 2020 catalogue, sign and sweatshirt2020ssnnContributed by Dennis Janssens Staff Pick Supersonico restaurant, Berlin2017unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick