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Cliff Richard – 32 Minutes and 17 Seconds with Cliff Richard album art (Germany)

Photo(s) by Klaus Hiltscher. Imported from Flickr on Sep 15, 2024. Artwork published in .
Cliff Richard – 32 Minutes and 17 Seconds with Cliff Richard album art (Germany)
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Klaus Hiltscher and tagged with “grostitre”. License: All Rights Reserved.

32 Minutes and 17 Seconds with Cliff Richard is the self-referential title of the fifth studio album by the English rock and roll singer. While most versions of this album (including the original UK release) feature a photograph of a well-groomed Richard in front of a giant stopwatch, the unknown designer of the German pressing went for a different approach. They gave the stage to Gros Titre, a set of bold condensed grotesque caps with distinctive contrast, set stacked and staggered, with alternating word colors and interspersed with various photos. Drawn by Swiss graphic designer Roland Schenk in 1959, the alphabet was included in the second volume of the Lettera book series from 1961. It was likely this source book where the letterforms were reproduced from.

[More info on Discogs]


  • Gros Titre




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