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Breed to Come by Andre Norton (Ace)

Photo(s) by Steve. Imported from Flickr on May 20, 2022. Artwork published in .
Breed to Come by Andre Norton (Ace) 1
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Steve and tagged with “itcbusorama”. License: All Rights Reserved.

ITC Busorama with deep orange shadow for Ace’s 1973 paperback edition of Breed to Come. The cover art might be be Davis Meltzer, but that’s unconfirmed. The synopsis on the back is set in Dominante:

When desperate measures failed to control what men had begun and could not stop, they fled their polluted planet, leaving behind an epidemic virus born of experimentation. Yet unlike men, whom the disease could destroy, the animals of the planet thrived, each generation more forceful and intelligent than the last.

In the ruins of what was once a university complex a vast band of cats, more highly evolved than those on the outside, sought to master the works of man. And they learned that the Demons – as men were called – were not legendary, but real, as was the danger of their return to the planet.

Then one day a spaceship landed bearing the feared exiled race …

[More info on ISFDB]

Breed to Come by Andre Norton (Ace) 2
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Steve and tagged with “itcbusorama” and “dominante”. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • ITC Busorama
  • Dominante




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