Source: to Flickr by Alan Mays and tagged with “fashion”. License: All Rights Reserved.
J. S. Locke & Co., a publisher and stationer located in Boston, used this advertising trade card to invite customers to view the valentines offered for sale in 1881.
An Opening Exhibition of Fine Foreign and Domestic Valentines, From Feb. 7, to Feb. 14th, 1881. You are invited to attend. J. S. Locke & Co., 304 Washington St.
The tracked-out caps with horizontal contrast are from the original style of Fashion. This design was patented in 1876 by Andrew Little. Three condensed styles as well the bolder Fashion Antique were added until 1891. The other typefaces used on this card are yet unidentified – let us know if you have any leads.
2 Comments on “Valentines exhibition invitation, J.S. Locke & Co.”
“J. S. Locke & Co.” might be set in a face called “Title Italic Open”, as shown in this specimen:…
“Fine Foreign and Domestic” might be using “Round Shaded”, as shown here:…
I’m not as sure about the second suggestion as the first one, but they’re probably pretty close approximations!
Thanks! I’ve added Round Shade.
Title Italic Open is indeed close, but isn’t the weight distribution reversed? See especially O and S.