Reviving Ange Degheest, Poem Pamphlet No. 6
Contributed by Jérôme Knebusch on Mar 21st, 2022. Artwork published in
March 2022
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3 Comments on “Reviving Ange Degheest, Poem Pamphlet No. 6”
Just so it’s clear: Ange Degheest is a fictional character, presumably meant to draw attention to the lack of women in type history. There are plenty of questions to ask about whether this scheme is the best way to shine that light (versus focusing on the many real women in type design whose stories are not yet fully researched or told). That said, I commend the team of students who put so much effort into making this unique project real. Their original type designs are excellent!
Are you sure Ange Degheest is a fictional character? See this link:…
Yes. You might have skipped the third paragraph of the linked article. :)