With its Collection Cahiers d’Artistes, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia enables emerging Swiss artists the publication of their first monograph and provides arts specialists and interested audiences with a window to current trends in the Swiss arts scene. Every two years and based on the recommendation of a jury, Pro Helvetia selects eight artists who applied in response to a public call for applications. The ensuing publication is the result of close collaboration between the artist concerned, the author, the graphic designers, the publishers and Pro Helvetia.
The selected artists for the 2021 series are Sandra Knecht, Roman Gysin, Noha Mokhtar, Elena Montesinos, Ramaya Tegegne, Andreas Hochuli, Marie Matusz, and Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė. A customised concept for each Cahier was devised in collaboration with Valeria Bonin & Diego Bontognali of the graphic design studio Bonbon, including contributions by renowned authors written in cooperation with the artists. The Cahiers d’Artistes are published by Edizioni Periferia and can be ordered individually or as a series in a slipcase.
Bonbon Visuelle Gestaltung. License: All Rights Reserved.
Bonbon Visuelle Gestaltung. License: All Rights Reserved.
Bonbon Visuelle Gestaltung. License: All Rights Reserved.
Bonbon Visuelle Gestaltung. License: All Rights Reserved.
Bonbon Visuelle Gestaltung. License: All Rights Reserved.