Battle for the Planet of the Apes by David Gerrold (Award Books) Photo(s) by exaquint. Imported from Flickr on Mar 13, 2022. Artwork published in 1973. Source: Uploaded to Flickr by exaquint and tagged with “itcronda”. License: All Rights Reserved. ITC Ronda and Helvetica schmalfett, both in all caps, supported by the IBM Selectric version of Univers, for the cover of Battle for the Planet of the Apes. The novelization of the science fiction film directed by J. Lee Thompson was published by Award Books in 1973. This is the 7th printing from 1974. [More info on ISFDB] Typefaces Formats Books (5880) Topics Literature (2735) Science/Nature (993) Designers/Agencies unknown (3715) Tagged withPlanet of the Apes (3)Award Books (2)David Gerrold (1)paperbacks/softcovers (1698)book covers (5241)science fiction (441)monkeys/apes (26)guns (116)center-aligned text (1683)novels (613)fiction books (429)all caps (6626) Artwork location United States (9036) In Sets Colossal Combinations (Jay Mellor) (2118) HDRSF (Emil Peltonen) (12) Science-Fiction/Fantasy paperbacks (Quentin Schmerber) (87) PHANTA (Leonardo de la Fuente) (285) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More ITC Ronda in use Anthony Burgess paperbacks (Ballantine Books)c. 1973unknownContributed by Mathieu Triay Charmed Circle: Gertrude Stein & Company by James R. Mellow1974Roy KuhlmanContributed by Florian Hardwig Vicky Leandros – “J’aime la Vie – Je Veux Vivre” / “Un Jour Viendra”1975unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Sponsor More in Literature The Shuttered Room by H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth (Panther, 1973)1973unknownContributed by Bryson Stohr 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think2017KJ ParishContributed by KJ Parish The Game-Players of Titan by Philip K. Dick (White Lion, 1974)1974unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Selling Hitler by Robert Harris (Pantheon Books)1986unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig More in Books Crumbs Journal Nº I2019Ayse SismanogluMiza Ahmad Qadir FirdausContributed by Ayse Sismanoglu Exhibitionism – The Rolling Stones2016PentagramAbbott MillerJesse KidwellContributed by Connor Davenport Paris, 80 photographies de Moï Ver1931Moï VerContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick Copa África by Ediciones Penal Largo2019Sergio RamírezEdiciones Penal LargoContributed by Quintana-Font More Fonts In Use Domino Park2018Noë & AssociatesContributed by Gareth Hague Staff Pick Raaka Chocolate2018Andrea Trabucco-CamposSimon BlockleyContributed by Production Type Staff Pick Anecdote, Myth & Hyperbole: Texas, from A to Z.2019Dossier IndustriesAnnette DennisContributed by Annette Dennis Staff Pick Disney’s Beauty and the Beast musical (2021–)2021DisneyContributed by Jamie Clarke Staff Pick