2 Gs and the Pop People opening titles
Contributed by Christopher Bentley on Jan 23rd, 2022. Artwork published in
June 1972
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1 Comment on “2 Gs and the Pop People opening titles”
This is just so good that this contribution of mine has gone live on this date, with it featuring another child of 29th January to go with Valérie Čižmárová and Salena Jones – both already mentioned in my Fonts In Use contributions – Tony Blackburn.
Half-a-decade ago to the day, as I write, I visited Valérie Čižmárová's grave at the Nový židovský hřbitov (New Jewish Cemetery) in Prague, so that takes in the other end of her fifty-three-years existence on Planet Earth.
It was really strange being back home in Derbyshire just about eleven hours after I’d been by that graveside.