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Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Catalogue 2021

Contributed by Wibke Bramesfeld on Dec 21st, 2021. Artwork published in
October 2021
Catalogue cover with all graduate names on the front
Photo: Wibke Bramesfeld. License: All Rights Reserved.

Catalogue cover with all graduate names on the front

An index is a guide or symbol used to navigate everything from books and HTML to stock markets and colour swatches. The Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Catalogue 2021 presents four navigational indexes as an invitation to explore the themes, materials and methodologies of the 166 graduation projects, each one a symbolic index of both the field of design and our times. Rather than an overarching narrative, indexes are tools to explore how different reading and realities emerge by design.

The graduation catalogue consists of four larger indexes: the main index, which contains more than 500 index word with subcategories and references that help the reader to navigate through the projects and shows potential connections. This index is containing as well an alphabetical index of all the student names and project titles. Followed by a visual index, ordered by departments, a word frequency index of all words used within the project texts, and last but definitely not least the project index, structured alphabetically by the names of the students. For the project pages it was important for us to create a fluent layout that keeps the main structure of a catalogue, but that allows us to portrait each project in the best possible way. For this we asked the students to submit additional footage that we can use alongside the image that was taken during the photo-shooting.

The index as well as the headlines are set in MAD Sans Bold by Colophon Foundry is used, which is part of Design Academy Eindhoven’s visual identity. For all project descriptions and essays Söhne Halbfett by Klim Type Foundry is used, to create a contrast to the relatively thin MAD Sans.

Concept: Wibke Bramesfeld, Nadine Botha, Zeniya Vreugdenhil
Editorial team: Joseph Grima, Nadine Botha, Zeniya Vreugdenhil
Graphic design: Wibke Bramesfeld
Project leader catalogue: Stijn van der Vleuten
Student assistant design: Johanna Gratzer
Paper: Arena Natural Rough 300 gsm 1.35 (cover), UPM Sol matt 90 gsm (index), Arena Natural Rough 120 gsm 1.35 (project pages)
Printing and lithography: Rob Stolk, Amsterdam

The main Index
Photo: Wibke Bramesfeld. License: All Rights Reserved.

The main Index

Word frequency index
Photo: Wibke Bramesfeld. License: All Rights Reserved.

Word frequency index

Detail word frequency index
Photo: Wibke Bramesfeld. License: All Rights Reserved.

Detail word frequency index

Project pages
Photo: Wibke Bramesfeld. License: All Rights Reserved.

Project pages

Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Catalogue 2021 6
Photo: Wibke Bramesfeld. License: All Rights Reserved.

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