PetChoy, based in Saigon, Vietnam, provides meal plans for cats and dogs. The founders think pets should be served as well as their owners. The brand aims to educate and empower the pet-loving community with an accurate and comprehensive understanding of pets’ nutrition and health. Since rebranding, PetChoy has grown quickly with their attention-grabbing packaging on the shelves.
Our approach was a complete transformation for local pet food brands to compete with international ones in visual and content direction, and targeting new customer types like ‘urbanist’ and ‘GenZ’.
The new logo is based on TT Trailers with characteristic inktraps and terminals inspired by wagging tails. Combined with “pet’s choice” and “pet’s joy”, M — N Associates aims to visualize the “happy choice of a pet knowing they’re getting PetChoy for mealtime”.
TT Trailers was chosen for its great fitted personality with inktraps and funky narrow shapes. Working closely with foundry TypeType, we developed TT Trailers Petchoy – a custom typeface with happy tail-and-ear-inspired Vietnamese diacritics. This approach brought more fun, exciting characteristics, and bold statements to distinguish the brand on the market.
The complementary typefaces areFragenBold Italic for sub-headlines, VT323 for menu description, and Nunito for body content. The new typographic system evokes the brand’s elevated health and flavor strategy.
In contrast with the market standard, M — N Associates took the packaging to a typographic-based layout where “Bữa Ăn Tươi” becomes the main element, giving a strong message to define the product and distinguish PetChoy on shelves with others that use pet images. The paw and the dog/cat icon will describe the target animal. Nutrition facts are styled like restaurant receipts.
Design by M — N Associates, with creative direction by Duy — N and Anh Nguyễn (who also designed the website), and content direction by Quân Nguyễn. Graphic design by Quân Nguyễn and Anh Phạm who also directed social art.