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Ford Quality Car Care ad (1969)

Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler. Imported from Flickr on Aug 22, 2021. Artwork published in .
Ford Quality Car Care ad (1969)
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Bart Solenthaler and tagged with “caslonno223”. License: All Rights Reserved.

LSC Caslon (later known as ITC Caslon No. 223) by Tom Carnase (b. 1939), put to early use in a single size for an ad for Ford’s Quality Car Care from 1969.

To assure smooth, precise power steering, Ford Motor Company engineers design important parts to tolerances 100 times thinner than a human hair.

A car so precisely engineered can be cared for best by the specialist – your Ford or Lincoln-Mercury dealer.

See him and be sure.

Kind of sad that ad copy writers in the Mad Men era could feel sure that the car dealer was a “him”. In their view, the role of girls was limited to clinging to the fish bowl.


  • ITC Caslon No. 223
  • Caslon 3




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