An independent archive of typography.

Typographic car park Gutenberg, Strasbourg

Contributed by Nouvelle Noire on Jul 29th, 2021. Artwork published in
July 2021
Number 386, set in  (). Note the footpath, set in brackets, parentheses and other punctuation.
Source: Maxime leleux. License: All Rights Reserved.

Number 386, set in Clifton (205TF). Note the footpath, set in brackets, parentheses and other punctuation.

Along other independent type foundries we have been invited to participate with a selection of our typefaces (mainly from the Apeloig Type Library) to the typographic Gutenberg car park in Strasbourg, France. Because it bears the name of Johannes Gutenberg, this car park is only about type.

From the design studio Dix—Milliards—Humains (auto-translated):

As part of its rehabilitation, the Gutenberg car park in Strasbourg becomes a place dedicated to typography. This proposal, carried by Ruedi Baur and Dix—Milliards—Humains, won over the Parcus company, which manages this parking space located in the city center.

Thus, like an ascending chronological adventure, the three levels of the car park will tell the typographical story, from Gutenberg (level –3) to the latest contemporary creations (level –1). All the signage media (place numbering, pedestrian information, directions, ground markings, etc.) will be all available media to enhance and promote typographic creation.

Four typefaces from Philippe Apeloig’s eponymous collection which is available at Nouvelle Noire are shown here, used in various ways amongst a wide range of old and new typefaces: A. Ndebele, A. Poudre, A. ABF Petit, and A. Coupé.

A. Ndebele, designed by Philippe Apeloig, is used for all text on the billboard made for parking spot number 111.
All images courtesy dix-Milliliards-humains. Photograph: Maxime Leleux. Typeface: Ndebele. License: All Rights Reserved.

A. Ndebele, designed by Philippe Apeloig, is used for all text on the billboard made for parking spot number 111.

Driveway, with a wide selection of arrows pointing out the right direction.
All images courtesy dix-Milliliards-humains. Photograph: Maxime Leleux. Typefaces: Coupé, Poudre. License: All Rights Reserved.

Driveway, with a wide selection of arrows pointing out the right direction.

A row of numbers (amongst which Ndebele and Poudre from the Apeloig collection) indicate the floor level.
All images courtesy dix-Milliliards-humains. Photograph: Maxime Leleux. Typefaces: Ndebele, Poudre. License: All Rights Reserved.

A row of numbers (amongst which Ndebele and Poudre from the Apeloig collection) indicate the floor level.

Billboard for number 107. Quote and type (Poudre) by Philippe Apeloig.
All images courtesy dix-Milliliards-humains. Photograph: Maxime Leleux. Typeface: Poudre. License: All Rights Reserved.

Billboard for number 107. Quote and type (Poudre) by Philippe Apeloig.

Walking path routing, detail.
Source: Maxime leleux. License: All Rights Reserved.

Walking path routing, detail.

Wim Crouwel’s  is used to set the number 265.
Source: Maxime Leleux. License: All Rights Reserved.

Wim Crouwel’s New Alphabet is used to set the number 265.

Number 304, with a quote by Stanislas Jerzy Lec; all text set in Leslie Usherwood’s .
Source: Maxime Leleux. License: All Rights Reserved.

Number 304, with a quote by Stanislas Jerzy Lec; all text set in Leslie Usherwood’s Caxton.

Poster for the opening of the new signage. The big text is set in a selection of the typefaces used for the signage inside the parking garage. Amongst them: Apeloig’s Petit, used for the first E.
All images courtesy dix-Milliliards-humains. Photograph: Maxime Leleux. Typeface: ABF Petit. License: All Rights Reserved.

Poster for the opening of the new signage. The big text is set in a selection of the typefaces used for the signage inside the parking garage. Amongst them: Apeloig’s Petit, used for the first E.


  • A. Ndebele
  • A. Poudre
  • A. ABF Petit
  • A. Coupé
  • New Alphabet
  • Clifton
  • Caxton




Artwork location

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