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Milid app

Contributed by Leo Monnet on Jul 20th, 2021. Artwork published in
September 2020
Milid app 1
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.

Milid, MicroLearning for Information and Data, is an educational app developed by HEG & HEAD Genève (HES-SO) for Geneva students universities. The app was created during a microlearning course, accessible on smartphone on the topic of introduction to information research and data analysis. From the university website (translated):

In this age of social media and fake news, the ability to search, interpreting and evaluating information and data is a skill key for the students, future professionals and citizens that we train. In order to make them aware of these issues, we propose to create a microlearning course accessible on tablets and smartphones (mobile learning). Students will be involved in all phases of the training, from conception to evaluation.

The visual identity is inspired by the computer world and in particular by the visual of punched cards, represented by a cluster of circles. These symbolize the information and data, knowledge and knowledge that the user acquires during his training. They also represent the network of people on the application and the moments of sharing they experience through multiplayer modes. They can challenge their friends and compare their score, a more fun way and stimulating to learn.

Milid app 2
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 3
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 4
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 5
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 6
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 7
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 8
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 9
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 10
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.
Milid app 11
Photo: Leo Monnet. License: All Rights Reserved.


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