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Roxette – Heartland album art

Contributed by Thomas Evensson on Jun 30th, 2021. Artwork published in
July 1984
Roxette – Heartland album art 1
Calle Bengtsson. License: All Rights Reserved.

This isn’t the “real” Roxette, but singer Per Gessle’s previous band Gyllene Tider’s album in English. It didn’t do well. Billboard reviewed it as “Swedish produced band with American sound. Not much happening here.” The Swedish version of the album contains 11 songs and is called The Heartland Café.

The inappropriate band name is based on caps from ITC Avant Garde Gothic, with hyper-extended glyphs. The letter O is depicted as a vinyl record, with the title in the light weight of Gillies Gothic, set on an angle.

[More info on Discogs]

Roxette – Heartland album art 2
Calle Bengtsson. License: All Rights Reserved.

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