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Caterina Valente – The Hi-Fi Nightingale… album art

Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler. Imported from Flickr on Mar 16, 2021. Artwork published in .
Caterina Valente – The Hi-Fi Nightingale… album art
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Bart Solenthaler and tagged with “fultonferryexpanded”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Wand is Filmotype’s interpretation of the genre of extrawide low-contrast slab serifs, whose best-known representative is Hellenic Wide. Wand is distinguished by a number of details, like the G with pointed spur, or the kicking R. It was added in 1955 to Filmotype’s range of Flat Serif typefaces. The next year, Alex Steinweiss put it to use in this cover design for an album by Caterina Valente (b. 1931). [edit: it’s not Wand, but the similar Fulton Ferry Expanded, see the comments.]

[More info on Discogs]


  • Fulton Ferry Expanded
  • Futura




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3 Comments on “Caterina Valente – The Hi-Fi Nightingale… album art”

  1. This isn’t Filmotype Wand, given how that face has an A with a top serif amongst other details, but probably another face in the Antique Extended genre. My best guess is that this specifically might be Antique Extended No. 152, at least for Caterina Valente’s name. I might need some help with the lighter face.

  2. Yep, you’re right! It’s not Wand. I’ve tagged Antique Extended for now.

  3. I checked my books – it’s Fulton Ferry Expanded by Photo-Lettering. Like Wand, it has that pointed spur in G. Unlike Wand, it came in several weights. I believe Steinweiss used nos. 3 (medium) and 4 (bold). No. 2 (light) has a single-sided top serif on A. This letter is serifless in the other weights.

    Credits adjusted. Thanks, Bryson!

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