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Nouvelles Urbanités

Contributed by 205TF on Nov 19th, 2020. Artwork published in .
Nouvelles Urbanités 1
Bureau 205. License: All Rights Reserved.

Nouvelles Urbanités proposes a reflection on how to think tomorrow’s city differently, starting today!

This journal gives the floor to the collective Nouvelles Urbanités*, born on the occasion of the exhibition Lieux infinis at the French pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2018. Since then, the exploration and analysis of collective processes to inhabit the world and build common ones continues.

This edition designed by Bureau 205 summarizes the exchanges and formalizes proposals for actions to consider tomorrow’s city differently. Given to many of the city’s stakeholders—practitioners and theorists, project owners and project managers, teachers and specialists—it is possible to glimpse how, together, the city can be thought of, conceived and constructed differently, both urban and architectural, as well as ecological, societal, food, economic, financial and legal aspects, at a time when, obviously, society needs to be viewed from other angles.

*This collective initially consists of Atelier parisien d’urbanisme, Aurore, la Banque des Territoires, Cheuvreux notaires, l’École urbaine de Lyon, Encore Heureux Architectes, Enlarge Your Paris, Plateau Urbain, SNCF Immobilier, l’Union sociale pour l’habitat et Yes We Camp.

Authors: Dominique Alba, Alain Alexanian, Nicolas Bard, Fabrice Bardet, Renaud Bettin, Patrick Bouchain, Paul Citron, Fanny Cottet, Angèle de Lamberterie, Nicola Delon, Nicolas Détrie, Valérie Disdier, Vianney Delourme, Charlotte Girerd, Arthur Grimonpont, Olivier Hamant, Lou Herrmann, Simon Laisney, Raphaël Léonetti, Michel Lussault, Raphaël Ménard, Camille Picard, Michèle Raunet, Jacques Richard, Benoït Quignon, Hervé Rivano, Boris Tavernier, Benoît Thévard, Nicolas Tixier, Maxime Zaït, Joëlle Zask

The typography uses various styles from Thelo, a type family that emerged from a consideration of the publishing conditions in the digital era. Designed by Tassiana Nuñez Costa between 2014 and 2020, the typeface aims to answer contemporary editorial questions of coherence and legilibility accross medias and reading formats. Thelo comes in three optical sizes; Display, Text, and Micro. It was released by 205TF in July 2020. Illustrations by Lou Herrmann.

Nouvelles Urbanités 2
Bureau 205. License: All Rights Reserved.
Nouvelles Urbanités 3
Bureau 205. License: All Rights Reserved.
Nouvelles Urbanités 4
Bureau 205. License: All Rights Reserved.
Nouvelles Urbanités 5
Bureau 205. License: All Rights Reserved.
Nouvelles Urbanités 6
Bureau 205. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Thelo




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