Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors (1985) logo
Contributed by Jayce Wheeled on Nov 26th, 2020. Artwork published in
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2 Comments on “Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors (1985) logo”
My name is Leland Allen. I was the Senior Art Director and Package Designer for the Wheeled Warriors line at Mattel Toys. There were several other Wheeled Warriors designs I came up with that were quite different. We went with the “Serpentine” version merely because we ran out of time and marketing couldn’t make a decision on which logo to go with. I still have many of the original artwork and preliminary sketches for this line. Much of the art was done by my good friend Dave Deal. Some of the illustration where done by me. Lee Allen
Leland, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! I have added your name and Dave’s to the design credits.