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Keymag website and artwork

Contributed by Nathan Evans on Jun 30th, 2020. Artwork published in .
Keymag website and artwork 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

KEYMAG is a music website that offers analytical and descriptive writing on music of all shapes and sizes. The website prominently uses Surt as its main typeface, and the font is also extensively used for the artwork.

The site uses custom-made artwork for every piece of content it produces, including its reviews, and a majority of its feature articles.

For its review artwork, the Surt Black Extended font is used for the background overprint text, as well as for its logo and bold title text. The Semi Bold variation is used for lighter text.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

For its review artwork, the Surt Black Extended font is used for the background overprint text, as well as for its logo and bold title text. The Semi Bold variation is used for lighter text.

Keymag website and artwork 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
In the blog’s “Mini-Review” series on Instagram, Surt Light Extended is used in the information sections and identification number, while the Medium weight is adopted for the body copy.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

In the blog’s “Mini-Review” series on Instagram, Surt Light Extended is used in the information sections and identification number, while the Medium weight is adopted for the body copy.

Keymag website and artwork 5
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Keymag website and artwork 6
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
For the “Gateway to Dream Pop” piece located on the website screenshot,  Regular and  BAT Text Gris were used. This piece was co-designed by Becky McGillivray.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

For the “Gateway to Dream Pop” piece located on the website screenshot, Antiquarian Scribe Regular and Acier BAT Text Gris were used. This piece was co-designed by Becky McGillivray.


  • Surt
  • Acier
  • Antiquarian Scribe




Artwork location

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